

Zinier currently has 2 types of schedulers (JIT and Batch) which are designed to assign tasks to technicians are varying intervals and for different purposes. =JIT Schedulers are used to assign each task to the technician most qualified on the very day, hour, or minute they’re needed (when a user's actual location/proximity to a task can be taken into account more accurately) – hence Just-in-Time. Batch Schedulers, on the other hand, look at a longer time horizon – generally 1-30 days in advance of a task being due. As such, they do not consider the status and progress of the current day's tasks nor the current location of the user, instead focusing on capacity as the main criteria for assignment. When used in conjunction, JIT and Batch schedulers are extremely powerful.

When configuring a scheduler, it is important to keep in mind that you can create more than 1 of each type of scheduler. For example, your scheduling requirements for an installation task may be very different from the requirements of a corrective task. More details on how the schedulers are configured is listed below.

Batch Scheduler

Batch Scheduler Overview

The Batch Scheduler is generally used to optimize the assignment of tasks to technicians by blocking specific technicians’ calendars ahead of time. Unlike the JIT scheduler, which optimizes on the day tasks are performed, the Batch Scheduler looks at a longer time horizon – generally 1-30 days in advance of a task being due. As such, it does not consider the status and progress of the current day's tasks nor the current location of the user, instead focusing on capacity as the main criteria for assignment.

The batch scheduler bundled with FSE looks at tasks scheduled 90 minutes ahead and runs every 90 minutes. More specifically, the bundled JIT scheduler looks at the following parameters:

  • Available capacity (field engineers with required skills)

  • Job location

  • Skills required for the job

  • Approximate travel time

  • Tools required

  • ...

Adding a new Scheduler
  1. From the main page, click Add New to open the side panel.

  2. Fill in the fields shown on the right. A detailed explanation for what each field means is listed in the table below.

  3. After filling out all the fields, click Save.

Fields - Batch Scheduler

Field Name



General Information


Give your scheduler a name.

Batch Scheduler


A description of the scheduler. This field is optional.

The default batch scheduler.

System Configurations

Algorithm Name


Job Query

Select the query you wish to use to filter for specific types of tasks.

Tech Query

Select the query you wish to use to filter for specific types of technicians.

Calendar Process

Timer Event

Base Constraints

A workflow that is used to handle basic constraints like skills match, availability, etc.

Extended Constraints

Used to handle special cases for a task – for example, a VIP technician must be assigned to a sensitive government sites.


Scheduler Process

Open Jobs Alerts

Feature Rank

Scheduler Configuration

Frequency in Hours

The frequency with which you want to run the scheduler in hours.


Plan Ahead in Days

The number of days ahead you would like the scheduler to consider. The system will then schedule technicians to tasks that occur within this time window.


Reassign Jobs

If yes, xxx


Send Open Jobs Alert

If yes, xxx


JIT Scheduler

The JIT Scheduler or "Just-In-Time Scheduler" is generally used to optimize the assignment of tasks to technicians considering the status and progress of their current tasks – in other words, it is used to assign each task to the technician most qualified on the very day, hour, or minute they’re needed (when a user's actual location/proximity to a task can be taken into account more accurately) – hence Just-in-Time.

The JIT scheduler bundled with FSE looks at tasks scheduled 90 minutes ahead and runs every 90 minutes. More specifically, the bundled JIT scheduler looks at the following parameters:

  • Actual travel time (distance from current location of field engineer to job site)

  • Time required to reach job site

  • Time remaining to complete current task

  • Skills required for the job

  • Availability of engineer

  • ...

Adding a new Scheduler

  1. From the main page, click Add New to open the side panel.

  2. Fill in the fields shown on the right. A detailed explanation for what each field means is listed in the table below.

  3. After filling out all the fields, click Save.

Fields - JIT Scheduler

Field Name



General Information


Give your scheduler a name.

proximity jit


A description of the scheduler. This field is optional.

A scheduler primarily focused on proximity.

System Configurations

Algorithm Name


Job Query

Tech Query

Calendar Process

Timer Event

Base Constraints

A workflow that is used to handle basic constraints like skills match, availability, etc.

Extended Constraints

Used to handle special cases for a task – for example, a VIP technician must be assigned to a sensitive government sites.


Scheduler Process

Open Jobs Alerts

Feature Rank

Scheduler Configuration

Frequency in Minutes

The frequency with which you want to run the scheduler in minutes.


Proximity In Meters


Look Ahead in Minutes

The number of minutes ahead you would like the scheduler to consider. The system will then schedule technicians to tasks that occur within this time window.


Reassign Jobs

If yes, xxx


Send Open Jobs Alert

If yes, xxx
